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Healthy Lifestyle Tips

What you choose to focus on will grow, just like a plant

I've gathered some information that you may find both helpful and fun. 

Find the category you'd like to explore and enjoy.

Natural Ways To Boost Your Immune System

Ways to Boost Your

Body'sNatural Defenses

5 Qi Gong Exercises to

Strengthen Your Lungs

5 Spices To Boost

Your Immune System

Some of My Favorite Apps

Sounds True:  Has some free meditations and music as well as in-app purchase.

Insight Timer:  This is a free App that has lots of meditations and music.  It has some really great          

                           meditations for kids.  It also has a breathing reminder for the Android Phones.

Yoga Studio:  A really nice app for yoga of all levels.  You can even create your own routines.

Lotus Bud:  For the iPhone only (sorry Android-ers).  This app plays a soft gong to remind you to take

                   a few breathes and relax your body through out they day.  You can set it to turn off at night.

Calm:  Another good App with meditation, relaxing music and nature sounds.

Sleep Pillow:  This is a sound machine for the phone.  Really lovely for background white noise.

FlightRadar24:  You can identify the airplanes and helicopters in the area (and everywhere).  Kind of

                           fun to see where they're going.

SkyView: With this app you hold your phone up to the sky to identify what's twinkling overhead.  It

                 includes satellites and the space station.

Paleo Recipe Sites

Soothing and Calming

Steve Nobel has a lot of good meditations on his YouTube channel.  He works with Angels in his meditations.

Andrew Johnson is a Scottish Hypnotherapist and has some free downloads to reduce stress and anxiety on his website.  (he's got a great voice)

This is a 5 minute meditation.  You can listen to on your phone, even when you're hiding in the bathroom.

Power Thoughts Club is a YouTube Channel with lots of lovely relaxing music, good for meditating, yoga or reading.

Why Mindfulness is a Superpower

Animated video

A 10 minute meditation for Anxiety.

A really nice animated video on how to Defeat Negative Thinking

The Meditative Mind is another favorite YouTube channel with relaxing music, good for meditating, yoga or reading.

10 Essential Oils for Instant Calm

Take a shower, wash off the day.    Drink a glass of water.  Make the room dark.  Lie down and close your eyes.  Notice the silence.  Notice your heart.  Still beating.  Still fighting.  You made it, after all.  You made it, another day.  And you can make it one more.  You're doing just fine

Just For Laughs

This is a video of Grandma Sandy doing her own Mentos experiment with Morgan Freeman narrating.  Seeing is believing.


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